Proxy server products
There are a number of web proxy servers available. These are the most commonly used software packages:
• Squid. Open source Squid is the de facto standard at universities. It is free, reliable, easy to use and can be enhanced (for example, adding content filtering and advertisement blocking). Squid produces logs that can be analyzed using software such as Awstats, or Webalizer, both of which are open source and produce good graphical reports. In most cases, it is easier to install as part of the distribution than to download it from (most Linux distributions such as Debian, as well as other versions of Unix such as NetBSD and FreeBSD come with Squid). A good Squid configuration guide can be found on the Squid Users Guide Wiki at
• Microsoft Proxy server 2.0. Not available for new installations because it has been superseded by Microsoft ISA server and is no longer supported. It is nonetheless used by some institutions, although it should perhaps not be considered for new installations.
• Microsoft ISA server. ISA server is a very good proxy server program, that is arguably too expensive for what it does. However, with academic discounts it may be affordable to some institutions. It produces its own graphical reports, but its log files can also be analyzed with popular analyzer software such as Sawmill ( Administrators at a site with MS ISA Server should spend sufficient time getting the configuration right; otherwise MS ISA Server can itself be a considerable bandwidth user. For example, a default installation can easily consume more bandwidth than the site has used before, because popular pages with short expiry dates (such as news sites) are continually being refreshed. Therefore it is important to get the pre-fetching settings right, and to configure pre-fetching to take place mainly overnight. ISA Server can also be tied to content filtering products such as WebSense.
For more information, see: .
Preventing users from bypassing the proxy server While circumventing Internet censorship and restrictive information access policy may be a laudable political effort, proxies and firewalls are necessary tools in areas with extremely limited bandwidth. Without them, the stability and usability of the network are threatened by legitimate users themselves.
Techniques for bypassing a proxy server can be found at . This site is useful for administrators to see how their network measures up against these techniques.
To enforce use of the caching proxy, you might consider simply setting up a network access policy and trusting your users. In the layout below, the administrator has to trust that his users will not bypass the proxy server.
In this case the administrator typically uses one of the following techniques:
• Not giving out the default gateway address through DCHP. This may work for a while, but some network-savvy users who want to bypass the proxy might find or guess the default gateway address. Once that happens, word tends to spread about how to bypass the proxy.
• Using domain or group policies. This is very useful for configuring the correct proxy server settings for Internet Explorer on all computers in the domain, but is not very useful for preventing the proxy from being bypassed, because it depends on a user logging on to the NT domain. A user with a Windows 95/98/ME computer can cancel his log-on and then bypass the proxy, and someone who knows a local user password on his Windows NT/2000/XP computer can log on locally and do the same.
• Begging and fighting with users. This approach, while common, is never an optimal situation for a network administrator.
Proxy specifications
On a university campus network, there should be more than one proxy server, both for performance and also for redundancy reasons. With today's cheaper and larger disks, powerful proxy servers can be built, with 50 GB or more disk space allocated to the cache. Disk performance is important, therefore the fastest SCSI disks would perform best (although an IDE based cache is better than none at all). RAID or mirroring is not recommended.
It is also recommended that a separate disk be dedicated to the cache. For example, one disk could be for the cache, and a second for the operating system and cache logging. Squid is designed to use as much RAM as it can get, because when data is retrieved from RAM it is much faster than when it comes from the hard disk. For a campus network, RAM memory should be 1GB or more:
• Apart from the memory required for the operating system and other applications, Squid requires 10 MB of RAM for every 1 GB of disk cache. Therefore, if there is 50 GB of disk space allocated to caching, Squid will require 500 MB extra memory.
• The machine would also require 128 MB for Linux and 128 MB for Xwindows. • Another 256 MB should be added for other applications and in order that everything can run easily. Nothing increases a machine's performance as much as installing a large amount of memory, because this reduces the need to use the hard disk. Memory is thousands of times faster than a hard disk. Modern operating systems keep frequently accessed data in memory if there is enough RAM available. But they use the page file as an extra memory area when they don't have enough RAM.
There are a number of web proxy servers available. These are the most commonly used software packages:
• Squid. Open source Squid is the de facto standard at universities. It is free, reliable, easy to use and can be enhanced (for example, adding content filtering and advertisement blocking). Squid produces logs that can be analyzed using software such as Awstats, or Webalizer, both of which are open source and produce good graphical reports. In most cases, it is easier to install as part of the distribution than to download it from (most Linux distributions such as Debian, as well as other versions of Unix such as NetBSD and FreeBSD come with Squid). A good Squid configuration guide can be found on the Squid Users Guide Wiki at
• Microsoft Proxy server 2.0. Not available for new installations because it has been superseded by Microsoft ISA server and is no longer supported. It is nonetheless used by some institutions, although it should perhaps not be considered for new installations.
• Microsoft ISA server. ISA server is a very good proxy server program, that is arguably too expensive for what it does. However, with academic discounts it may be affordable to some institutions. It produces its own graphical reports, but its log files can also be analyzed with popular analyzer software such as Sawmill ( Administrators at a site with MS ISA Server should spend sufficient time getting the configuration right; otherwise MS ISA Server can itself be a considerable bandwidth user. For example, a default installation can easily consume more bandwidth than the site has used before, because popular pages with short expiry dates (such as news sites) are continually being refreshed. Therefore it is important to get the pre-fetching settings right, and to configure pre-fetching to take place mainly overnight. ISA Server can also be tied to content filtering products such as WebSense.
For more information, see: .
Preventing users from bypassing the proxy server While circumventing Internet censorship and restrictive information access policy may be a laudable political effort, proxies and firewalls are necessary tools in areas with extremely limited bandwidth. Without them, the stability and usability of the network are threatened by legitimate users themselves.
Techniques for bypassing a proxy server can be found at . This site is useful for administrators to see how their network measures up against these techniques.
To enforce use of the caching proxy, you might consider simply setting up a network access policy and trusting your users. In the layout below, the administrator has to trust that his users will not bypass the proxy server.
In this case the administrator typically uses one of the following techniques:
• Not giving out the default gateway address through DCHP. This may work for a while, but some network-savvy users who want to bypass the proxy might find or guess the default gateway address. Once that happens, word tends to spread about how to bypass the proxy.
• Using domain or group policies. This is very useful for configuring the correct proxy server settings for Internet Explorer on all computers in the domain, but is not very useful for preventing the proxy from being bypassed, because it depends on a user logging on to the NT domain. A user with a Windows 95/98/ME computer can cancel his log-on and then bypass the proxy, and someone who knows a local user password on his Windows NT/2000/XP computer can log on locally and do the same.
• Begging and fighting with users. This approach, while common, is never an optimal situation for a network administrator.
Proxy specifications
On a university campus network, there should be more than one proxy server, both for performance and also for redundancy reasons. With today's cheaper and larger disks, powerful proxy servers can be built, with 50 GB or more disk space allocated to the cache. Disk performance is important, therefore the fastest SCSI disks would perform best (although an IDE based cache is better than none at all). RAID or mirroring is not recommended.
It is also recommended that a separate disk be dedicated to the cache. For example, one disk could be for the cache, and a second for the operating system and cache logging. Squid is designed to use as much RAM as it can get, because when data is retrieved from RAM it is much faster than when it comes from the hard disk. For a campus network, RAM memory should be 1GB or more:
• Apart from the memory required for the operating system and other applications, Squid requires 10 MB of RAM for every 1 GB of disk cache. Therefore, if there is 50 GB of disk space allocated to caching, Squid will require 500 MB extra memory.
• The machine would also require 128 MB for Linux and 128 MB for Xwindows. • Another 256 MB should be added for other applications and in order that everything can run easily. Nothing increases a machine's performance as much as installing a large amount of memory, because this reduces the need to use the hard disk. Memory is thousands of times faster than a hard disk. Modern operating systems keep frequently accessed data in memory if there is enough RAM available. But they use the page file as an extra memory area when they don't have enough RAM.