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Wireless Interfaces

The Wireless Interfaces Thrust undertakes basic and applied research in wireless i n t e r faces for environmental and biomedical sensor devices. The thrust is exploring CMOS and RF MEMS circuits, miniature antennas, and sensor networking. Full systems incorporating these components are being developed and demonstrated. The wireless thrust is developing wireless interfaces to neural probes, cochlear implants, and other biomedical devices such as arterial stent
monitors. The thrust is exploring techniques for moderate range, moderate rate, wireless communication to environmental sensors.

Wireless circuits and systems based on RF MEMS and nanometer CMOS are being researched. The demonstration of low power CMOS transceivers for the Zigbee 2.4GHz sensor network standard is a medium term goal. Other applications and approaches including RFID, and low-power superregenerative receivers are also being considered. The performance of RF MEMS devices is now close to that of off chip quartz and SAW components. RF MEMS harnesses the high Q of micromechanical devices, and this technology promises dramatic improvements in power efficiency of RF circuits. The Wireless Interface Thrust is also exploring circuit and process techniques that will permit the integration of RF MEMS and CMOS wireless circuits. A long term goal is the integration of RF MEMS, powerefficient CMOS RF, and CMOS baseband circuitry, as well as digital signal processing and miniature antennas in a signal package.