1. AMAN, bebas dari -+4000 jenis bahan kimia (seperti dalam rokok tradisional) yang menimbulkan Kanker paru,otak,rahim, ginjal, mulut, gigi hitam & rusak, mulut bau, kerusakan pembuluh darah (penyebabgagal jantung & impotensi). Ingat:Menthol BUKAN PENYEBAB Impotensi, melainkan zat2 beracun dalam rokoklah yang menyebabkan kerusakan pembuluh2 darah dan syaraf2 di tubuh.
2. 100% bebas dari Api yang membakar & Asap yang beracun(CO, Pb, Hydrogen Cyanide, Methane, dll) & menyengat. Ingat, perokok pasif(orang yang menghirup asap rokok tradisional Anda)beresiko 3 x lipat terkena kanker daripada Anda sendiri.
3. Anda BEBAS merokok DIMANA SAJA karena HEALTH hanya memproduksi asap dan api buatan yang 100% AMAN & TIDAK BERBAU : tidak beresiko kebakaran & bau menyengat pada baju, ruangan & perabotan. Dalam berbisnispun, Anda akan terlihat jauh lebih sopan & lebih 'berpendidikan' karena HEALTH bersifat: Ramah Lingkungan dan berteknologi tinggi (Nano teknologi).
4. Dengan HEALTH, Anda membuktikan bahwa Anda menyayangi Diri Anda, Keluarga Anda dan peduli orang lain.
5. HEALTH otomatis menjadi asuransi tanpa premi bagi Anda dan keluarga Anda yang akan menghindari Anda (& keluarga Anda sebagai perokok pasif) dari pengeluaran yang sangat besar bahkan tak ada habis2nya yang tidak seharusnya terjadi akibat Anda terus merokok tradisional yang akhirnya menimbulkan KANKER di tubuh Anda.
Harga Rp.300ribu / paket
keyword : rokok kesehatan, rokok elektrik
Food and Drug Administration (US)
In May 2009, the US FDA's Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis tested the contents of 19 varieties of electronic cigarette cartridges produced by two vendors (NJoy and Smoking Everywhere). Diethylene glycol was detected in one of the cartridges manufactured by Smoking Everywhere. addition, tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) were detected in all of the cartridges from one brand and two of the cartridges from the other brand. The study found that the actual nicotine levels did not always correspond to the amount of nicotine the cartridges purported to contain analysis found traces of nicotine in some cartridges that claimed to be nicotine-free. concerns were raised over inconsistent amounts of nicotine delivered when drawing on the device. In July 2009, the FDA issued a press release discouraging the use of electronic cigarettes and repeating previously stated concerns that electronic cigarettes may be marketed to young people and lack appropriate health warnings.
In response to the FDA study, the Electronic Cigarette Association said that the testing was too "narrow to reach any valid and reliable conclusions.”The FDA's study was reviewed in July 2009 by scientific consulting firm Exponent, Inc., in a report commissioned by the manufacturer of one of the electronic cigarettes tested by the FDA. Some of the criticisms in Exponent's report are poor standards of documentation and analysis. Exponent lists previous studies that have detected TSNA levels in FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapy products comparable to those the FDA detected in their study, and objects to the FDA making no comparisons to such products in their analysis of electronic cigarettes. Ultimately the review concludes that the FDA's study did not support the claims of potential adverse health effects from the use of electronic cigarettes.
2. 100% bebas dari Api yang membakar & Asap yang beracun(CO, Pb, Hydrogen Cyanide, Methane, dll) & menyengat. Ingat, perokok pasif(orang yang menghirup asap rokok tradisional Anda)beresiko 3 x lipat terkena kanker daripada Anda sendiri.
3. Anda BEBAS merokok DIMANA SAJA karena HEALTH hanya memproduksi asap dan api buatan yang 100% AMAN & TIDAK BERBAU : tidak beresiko kebakaran & bau menyengat pada baju, ruangan & perabotan. Dalam berbisnispun, Anda akan terlihat jauh lebih sopan & lebih 'berpendidikan' karena HEALTH bersifat: Ramah Lingkungan dan berteknologi tinggi (Nano teknologi).
4. Dengan HEALTH, Anda membuktikan bahwa Anda menyayangi Diri Anda, Keluarga Anda dan peduli orang lain.
5. HEALTH otomatis menjadi asuransi tanpa premi bagi Anda dan keluarga Anda yang akan menghindari Anda (& keluarga Anda sebagai perokok pasif) dari pengeluaran yang sangat besar bahkan tak ada habis2nya yang tidak seharusnya terjadi akibat Anda terus merokok tradisional yang akhirnya menimbulkan KANKER di tubuh Anda.
Harga Rp.300ribu / paket
keyword : rokok kesehatan, rokok elektrik
Food and Drug Administration (US)
In May 2009, the US FDA's Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis tested the contents of 19 varieties of electronic cigarette cartridges produced by two vendors (NJoy and Smoking Everywhere). Diethylene glycol was detected in one of the cartridges manufactured by Smoking Everywhere. addition, tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) were detected in all of the cartridges from one brand and two of the cartridges from the other brand. The study found that the actual nicotine levels did not always correspond to the amount of nicotine the cartridges purported to contain analysis found traces of nicotine in some cartridges that claimed to be nicotine-free. concerns were raised over inconsistent amounts of nicotine delivered when drawing on the device. In July 2009, the FDA issued a press release discouraging the use of electronic cigarettes and repeating previously stated concerns that electronic cigarettes may be marketed to young people and lack appropriate health warnings.
In response to the FDA study, the Electronic Cigarette Association said that the testing was too "narrow to reach any valid and reliable conclusions.”The FDA's study was reviewed in July 2009 by scientific consulting firm Exponent, Inc., in a report commissioned by the manufacturer of one of the electronic cigarettes tested by the FDA. Some of the criticisms in Exponent's report are poor standards of documentation and analysis. Exponent lists previous studies that have detected TSNA levels in FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapy products comparable to those the FDA detected in their study, and objects to the FDA making no comparisons to such products in their analysis of electronic cigarettes. Ultimately the review concludes that the FDA's study did not support the claims of potential adverse health effects from the use of electronic cigarettes.