Yagi (or Grid Quad) is a high performance yagi antenna that can be built with readily obtainable inexpensive materials. Described here is a 6 element 2 meter version with a boom length of about 1 wavelength. The boom is made of 1½ inch pvc pipe, although any suitable material can be used, such as steel, aluminum, fiberglass, or wood. The elements are cut from 2 inch by 4 inch galvanized welded wire fencing, with a wire diameter of 0.078 inch, which is what #14 steel wire becomes when it is galvanized.
This fencing material and pvc pipe are available in any hardware store. The driven element and the four directors are all 24 inches by 24 inches. The reflector is 32 inches by 24 inches. The driven element has an 18 inch slot in it and is fed at the bottom of the slot. At the other end of the slot is a shorting wire.

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This fencing material and pvc pipe are available in any hardware store. The driven element and the four directors are all 24 inches by 24 inches. The reflector is 32 inches by 24 inches. The driven element has an 18 inch slot in it and is fed at the bottom of the slot. At the other end of the slot is a shorting wire.

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